20191024 01 Storm Alpennordseite
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Quick Facts
Type of Event | Foehn storm |
Verification State | QC1 |
ESWD | Not reported |
Location | Alps |
Time / Duration | Long-time event |
Date | 24.10.2019 |
Magnitude / Dimension | Highest wind gust was measured on top of Gütsch: 170 km/h Mountains: on top of some mountains wind gusts between 140 and 160 km/h could be measured In the classic foehn valleys mostly between 80 and 100 km/h |
Damage | - |
Fatalities | - |
Injuries | - |
Report Source | Newspaper reports, photo/video, data from official weather stations |
Remarks | - |
General weather situation | TRW - Trog Westeuropa trocken-warm |
Über den Alpen hat am Sonntag ein Föhnsturm getobt.
Übersicht Windspitzen > 91 km/h (Beaufort 10) am 24.10.2019:
© Kai Kobler >> zu interaktiver Karte
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SSWD Main Editor | Kaiko | Last Edit | 29.10.2019 | Last Review | - | Documentation State | Ready for Review |