20131224 01 Foehnorkan Alpen

Aus Schweizer Sturmarchiv
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Quick Facts

Type of Event Foehn storm (south foehn)
Verification State QC1
ESWD Not reported
Location Alps and north of Alps
Time / Duration Longtime event
Date 24.-25.12.2013
Magnitude / Dimension - 25.12.2013: The highest measured wind gust of the foehn storm was measured with 208 km/h at 03.30 UTC on top of Gütsch

- 25.12.2013: On top of Melchsee Frutt a wind gust of 193 km/h was measured
- 25.12.2013: On top of Lauberhorn a wind gust of 191 km/h was measured
- 24./25.12.2013: Some mountain/hill tops measured wind peaks of between 120 and 180 km/h

- 25.12.2013: In Brülisau-Kastenbahn AI (925 m) a wind gust of 185 km/h was measured
- 25.12.2013: In Oberägeri ZG a wind gust of 129 km/h was measured
- 24./25.12.2013: In the classic foehn valleys wind gusts mostly between 100 and 120 km/h were measured

Damage / Impact -
Fatalities -
Injuries -
Report Source Report in a weather forum, data from official weather stations
Remarks -


Übersicht Windspitzen > 90 km/h (Beaufort 10) am 24. / 25.12.2013:

© Kai Kobler / Quelle Karten-Screenshot

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